Friday, February 25, 2005

Short Sabbatical

It will be a while before I post something again. We are moving to a new apartment and I'm not sure how long it will be before we can get internet. Anyway, it's not like I post regularly even with internet all 24 hours :-) ; but since there is a valid reason this time, I thought I'd mention it. :-) ginsoakedgentleman calls my link : gowriwrites...not so often. Very appropriate ! Thanks for the link shomo & Thanks to everyone else who's blogrolled me ! (I will return the favor soon :-) )While I am in a benevolent mood, thanks to those who haven't, but read my blog nonetheless. Ok, while I'm at it, thanks to everyone who wasn't included in the above categories. It's highly unlikely that they are reading it, however ! Think I am overdoing it...Awright, catch you ASAP !!


Sinfully Pinstripe said...


But I hope the sabbatical is a SHORT sabbatical....

Vaishnavi Tekumalla said...

Hello Gowri! Where art thou? Blog maadi!! :)
ps - thanx for the link!
ps2 - i love reading your blog!
ps3 - 'tis a pity we never met while you were in blore but i hope we'll meet soon anyway! :)

Gowri said...

Hey Shomo, you are welcome and see, I'm back really fast; aren't I?? :-)

Hey Vaish, Happy you like reading my blog, lemme tell you we have a mutual admiration society there. :-) Yes, it is unfortunate that we didn't interact, having not just been in Blr but also having worked for the same company!! But I hope we meet sometime soon!