Friday, March 04, 2005

Back in action

I lasted! Yes I did! Without internet and music and cable TV and DVD’s.
Goes to show, there are some things you cannot live without and others you cannot live comfortably without.
Is that the difference between need and greed?

It was foggy and misty this morning and I thought I' d made a tongue twister, only until Se managed to say it comfortably. :( Let's hear you say it. "Mister Mist missed Miss Mitchell" I hope you said Missele. :(

BTW, it took me close to an hour to log comments and create this post. I'm quite sure it's the Vital Information and Resources (of my system that are) Under Siege. So I have to patiently wait till my PC gets well!! :-)


the k factor said...

welcome back.. :-)

Jyothika said...
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Gowri said...

Yes !
(Sofa)cum(bed)fOr(idge)tabl(e)y (TV)set(tled) !!!!