Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I think...

...an enormous lot goes into the making of a person. To mention the two most important factors and perhaps the most all-inclusive ones – experiences and people. The person you are, what you know, the way you react, the kind of people you are drawn to, the kind of people you despise, everything is based on your own experiences in the past or those which someone has told you about - through a book, through a movie, or by talking to you. Which means each one of us, has in ourselves, a little of every person who has touched our lives, positively. The bitter experiences and the traits of the person that led to them, we invariably choose not to imbibe, owing to the pain it brought to us. This means we evolve with the experiences we have had and learnt from, the people we meet, the positives we add and the negatives we filter out from our personalities. So the mere years behind you, beyond a certain age, have nothing to do with the kind of person you have turned out to be. It is what you’ve learnt along the way, which makes you what you are. Simply put, one is not always, a “wise old man” or a “brash young lad”!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. 100%. I've been lucky...no bad influences. No smoking...no drinking...no credit cards and nothing in excess! As a parent now, I cannot but help and wish that my kids have positive and affirmative experiences as they go about their lives!