Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Why the US is the best place to lose weight....

Everytime you switch on the TV.....
there is an ad trying to sell a total-workout machine for three easy payments of $19.99.
There are people who claim they’ve gone down 25 lbs, 10 inches and 5 dress sizes and are thrilled about it. They are either truly ecstatic or are convincing actors. Either way, you can’t help but wonder how you’d look if you could shed those extra pounds.

Oprah is talking about her transformation.....
and so are her guests. They insist they are more confident, more active and more successful now. Anything to be successful; what?

You can’t eat out as much as you can in India.....
more so if you are a vegetarian.
How long can you wash a BK Veggie and a King size French fries down with a tall glass of diet coke?
How many times can you relish the Veggie Delight at subway?
How many times before you realize that you are a far better cook than the non-Indians who cook at the Indian restaurants?

The gyms here are great for three reasons:
The equipments have displays that work!
Nobody gives you a second look ( or even a first for that matter ), no matter how fat or how gorgeous you are.
There are people who are much much fatter than you are, so there is hope for you.
(‘Fat’ did I say? Sorry, it's banned here. We're all just ‘overweight’.)

There is no wedding to attend every weekend.....
and no vanilla ice-cream with gulab jamun that you simply cannot resist.

There are no aunts’ houses to visit.....
and no samosas and sweets to force down your throat.

And lastly....
if you are sitting at home like me, there’s nothing better to do! :-)


If that was 'why...', there’s also a 'why... not'

French fries never tasted better.

So this is what real brownies and doughnuts taste like! Can I have another piece of coconut pie please?

Lazy afternoon with a good book to read, can a bowl of Mocha Almond Ice-cream be far behind?

Dress sizes can be misleading. 'M' here corresponds to the 'L' back home. An easy fit into the M can give you a false feeling of fitness.

Finally, All sedentary work and no play can make jack(and jill) not just dull, but also dangerously overweight!

So....what are you waiting for? Don your gym wear and head staright for the treadmill! Or do you like weight training better?! ;)


Sinfully Pinstripe said...

Hell! Now this is one post to email to the world.... seriously.

Gowri, write a book. Seriously. or at least some short stories and get them published. Take a creative writing course or something.

Gowri said...

Bhavana: You are absolutely right! Why do you think I had been putting off working out all these years?! ;)

Shomo: Thank you! :) Coming from you that's a huge compliment. :) And..I'm coming back to namma Bengaluru very soon and will do something...REALLY! :)

Gowri said...

Thanks Murali! :) Maybe I should ask Sethu to write a 'guest post' on how to gain kilos! :)

BTW, what's with the hiatus? Come back in days please; not weeks and months!

Anonymous said...

Encore! Encore!

Another wonderful post. Yup it is true, after coming here I feel like I am in pretty good shape after all :)

Keep posting Gowri. It peps up my otherwise monotonous life in the US.

Gowri said...

Hehe sure! :) I say, writing peps up my otherwise monotonous life in the US too!
(Long time since I used Ctrl C, Cntrl V)!!

Anonymous said...

you know whats good ?
a nice li'l "pot" belly :) ... THAT's what the US has given me....
beer.. chicken.. ice cream... chocolates.. sitting on my butt all day... what else can happen ;)

Gowri said...

Raghav!! It's impossible to imagine a rotund you after having seen a skinny guy for 4 years in college! :) Solpa oDi saar! ;)

Unknown said...

Nice post, loved it. So true about the dress sizes, its always misleading. Oh I really should join a gym :(

Gowri said...

Thank you 'wicked angel' !! And, did u join a gym? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I must tell you that here in Chennai, there are some top-class gyms that have sprung up! The admission charges too are top class! At least one months salary, for sure! ;)

Gowri said...

ROTFL!! Ravi, u sure are in ur elements today!! :)